Psi Chi is the International Honor Society In Psychology.
Students majoring or minoring in psychology are eligible to apply for membership, and each applicant must meet high standards of scholastic excellence.
Psi Chi member benefits include International recognition, grant and award opportunities, publication opportunities, leadership opportunities, and more! Psi Chi members at WCSU participate in an official induction ceremony each year.
The WCSU Psi Chi Chapter is actively involved on campus, and works together with the Psychology Student Association. Psi Chi officers select expert speakers to give talks at WCSU, organize field trips, and participate in research conferences.
The WCSU Psi Chi Chapter received the 2019 Regional Chapter Award from the International Honor Society and two Model Chapter Awards.
In order to become an official member of Psi Chi students must apply online at
If you are interested in becoming an officer or learning more about the WCSU Psi Chi chapter please contact our 2023-2024 Psi Chi President Jade Carriero at
Membership is a Lifetime Honor, and students are recognized for their achievements.
Prior to applying please review these application requirements carefully:
1. Completion of at least 3 semesters of college.
2. Completion of 9 semester hours of psychology at college.
3. Registration for major or minor standing in psychology.
4. An overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.1.
5. An overall psychology GPA of at least 3.25.
6. You must have completed PSY 204 to apply (waived if declared
Minor/Concentration in Psychology)
7. High standards of personal behavior.
8. Involvement in Psych Alliance (Psi Chi and Psychology Student
Association) is highly encouraged.
One time life membership fee of $83 ($55 international fee, $10 administrative fee, $17.25 graduation regalia (Honors cord)
1. Go to (or Apply for Membership on homepage, bottom right)
2. Read the qualifications for application and select APPLY NOW
3. Choose [WCSU] from the Local Chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, email address, and student ID No.
4. At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing the faculty advisor to review your college records to determine eligibility
5. Add your Name/Signature and select SUBMIT o to​
Once you submit your online application, Dr. Aloni, the advisor of the Western Connecticut State University chapter of Psi Chi, will review it and determine your eligibility. If you qualify, you will receive an email confirmation regarding the decision.
Psi Chi Induction Ceremony 2017
Psi Chi Induction Ceremony 2018
Psi Chi Virtual Induction Newsletter 2020